What To Consider when purchasing a Laptop.

What To Consider when purchasing a Laptop should be in everyone’s mind before making a decision to settle on a certain brand or make of a machine. We highlight the major key points to consider when shopping.

  • SIZE

The best kind of a laptop is the one you can easily carry around in a Laptop Bag or Sleeve without a lot of Hustle. The Smaller the Screen size the better since it will also be lightweight in design. Some examples are Notebooks, Elite-books, Spectra’s(if you have no price limit) and the new generations of mac-books.
Getting a laptop within a range of 12,13.3 to14 inches will increase the likely hood of being lightweight but don’t forget to consider the other factors we have highlighted below.


Depending on the use of the laptop, consider whether you need a full pad with Numeric keys or just the medium sized one which best comes with 14” inches and below. Comfortable keys makes you enjoy using your laptop to avoid a poor overall user experience when hunting for specifics like the arrow or delete keys.


Intel is the biggest known brand of the Core- CPU’s and you can see almost every laptop with a sticker embedded. Processor ranges from Celeron(The Lowest), Duo Core, Coi3, Coi5, Coi7 and Coi9(The Latest release).

Depending on how you use the laptop Intel Core Processor offers the best performance when it comes to multimedia tasks and multitasking. Core i3-based Processors are generally used in entry-level systems, while Core i5 and Core i7 make up the majority of mainstream computers.

When looking for the best performance you would go for a Core i7-based systems. though it will be little bit higher in budget, you get the value worth for your money. Laptops running on Core i9 processors are even more powerful than laptops running on Core i7 processors thus will be even higher in price and they’re able to rival desktops for performance.

  • RAM

RAM stands for random-access memory which is short term memory where data is stored as the processor needs it. Don’t confused this with long-term data that’s stored on your hard drive, which stays there even when your computer is turned off.

More RAM allows for more applications to be run at the same time and it enables you acess more data quickly in the system at any one time, which comes in handy for tasks such as editing contents such as photos or video content.

its advisable for a standard computer to have at-least 4Gb Ram but good to note you can upgrade it anytime you want . for those using heavy programs like design you might want to use 8gb or even 16gb which boosts the program response time.

Gamers will need even higher ram 16gb to 32Gb since the CPU is Utilized to near capacity when running this games. Its good to note Ram are not that expensive as you can get them from as low as ksh1500 for 2gb ,ksh300 for a 4gb and so on.


    The size of your Laptops Storage space should be a priority as you don’t want one that gonna get the disk space full some few months down the line.in this day’s evolving technology The form factor of the Hard drive is also a major thing to look at since Hard drives are being replaced with the more Slimmer, Lighter and Faster SSD.

    SSD(Solid state drives) are faster, quieter, but more expensive than the normal hard drives which begs the question, Why Pay more for just Storage.  Check out more detailed Content on SSD vs HDD we have highlighted the Difference and their comparison.


By parrots

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